Training Camps
A primary way in which our ministry ventures to accomplish our goals of aiding in other believers desiring to witness is through our gospel training camps. These presentations are aimed towards simplifying the following trials which can be presented to a believer while evangelizing to others:
*Sharing the gospel message itself effectively
*Starting gospel conversations
*Conquering fear of evangelizing to others
These presentations are split into four separate
lectures, each with a purpose regarding sharing the gospel.
The first lecture teaches simple strategies and approaches to beginning gospel conversations and how to explain the mere existence of God to an unbeliever in an easy and understandable way.
Lecture 1
Expounding on Existence
The second lecture reviews the basic tools and strategies which can be used for sharing the gospel message itself to an unbeliever after they realize God’s existence. It provides passages of scripture, analogies and more to help express the dire situation of sin an unbeliever is in and the need for God and salvation in a loving and comprehensible way.
Lecture 2
Gospel Tactics
The third lecture goes one step further and provides believers with simple ways to properly address and share the gospel with those unbelievers who are followers of false religions and the beliefs which they may voice to you during a gospel conversation.
Lecture 3
Reaching the Religious
The final lecture is regarding the importance and ability of overcoming the fear to witness and how to deal with that struggle to better serve Christ through sharing the gospel.
Lecture 4
Overcoming Fear of Evangelism
While our ministry does believe that our own human abilities are not what brings someone to Christ but the power of the Holy Spirit can do that alone, we do understand that we must train ourselves in scripture to aid in our understanding of His Word and to aid in our ability to effectively witness. We are not under the belief that the lectures taught in our training camps are by any means the only way to witness, we believe they are simply a helpful tool for believers who are desiring to begin evangelizing or for those already actively witnessing.